Professional software engineer by day, n00b hardware hacker by night.

Road Map

I was able to find some time to tinker with this site, and a few project ideas I have. Most of the initial project idea’s are me too projects. But I think they’ll be much needed experience builders for me.

  1. Garage door controller
    There are a lot of these around on the internet but my plan is for it to be powered by Alexa, have a web interface, and also have some sort of timeout so my door closes automatically if I forget to shut it.

  2. Medocino motor
    These things are just cool as hell. I’ve heard they’re really hard to get working, so its possible this project will never finish.

  3. Bathroom stall notifier
    The place I work has one stall and about 23 people using it. It’s not pretty. So, it would be nice if there was a website that was updated with the status of the one and only pooper. Then I wouldn’t have to get up from my desk only to suffer rejection after rejection.

That’s what I’m thinking for now. I have parts on order for all of this stuff, so the posts should be rolling in soon.

I’ve also made a few tweaks to the site layout. Again, these early posts are more for just testing out my site layouts. On the off chance anyone is read this, thanks.

./blog @ 13 November 2017 [ramblings]