Professional software engineer by day, n00b hardware hacker by night.

Project: Blog

Nothing much to see here. This is mostly gibberish and incoherent ramblings. Ignore the 3rd grade level grammar and spelling. Blog posts are for general topics that aren’t linked to any specific project.

VSCode as Arduino IDE

One of the projects I’m working on will use an ESP8266 module. An easy way to program these if you don’t want to use the Node MCU firmware, is to use the Arduio IDE with the supported ESP8266 community libraries. The Arduino IDE is nice, and it gets the job done, but I want something more. This post is about getting VSCode to build, compile, and upload arduino sketches for the ESP8266. [more]

./blog @ 20 November 2017 [ramblings, vscode, arduino, and ESP8266]

Road Map

I was able to find some time to tinker with this site, and a few project ideas I have. Most of the initial project idea’s are me too projects. But I think they’ll be much needed experience builders for me. [more]

./blog @ 13 November 2017 [ramblings]

This Space Intentionally Left Blank

I’ve created this github account as a place to store my hardware hacking projects. I’m a complete n00b when it comes to hardware, so don’t look here for best practices. This will mostly be the type of stuff held together with duct tape, bubble gum and very likely to burn your house down. [more]

./blog @ 01 November 2017 [ramblings]